EDR 08 Photos from Michael Lichter

EDR 08 Photos from Michael Lichter

Fine Lines and Little Dogs... Reading EDR 08 Photos from Michael Lichter 2 minutes Next Luis' Pics

These are the amazing shots from Michael Lichter . If you don't know who he is just check out any EasyRider or Paisano publication magazne from the last 30+ years and he has shots in them. He has done soo much for the motorcycle community. I was stoked to have him on the run and help document the fun times as I will be looking at these shots and talking about the EDR for the rest of my life. Watching him shoot photos hanging by a limb off the back of someone elses bike trusting a guy he met 2 minutes ago just to get a shot is nothing short of jaw dropping. Thanks Michael!!!!

"Just go to www.lichterphoto.com and navigate to the "Image Gallery", then "Events", then "International" and then "El Diablo Run, Mexico, 2008". . You will also see what I think is a real cool shot as the main photo on my home page. It was from the dirt races, and is also a 2-page spread in the current In the Wind Magazine. If you don't mind, can you ask if anyone knows the name of this rider and how to contact him so I can get him a print? He is part of that northern California group that came down. FYI - Articles came out in Easyriders and Biker Magazine in the last few months.

I hope you enjoy the photos, Michael"

Michael Lichter Photography, LLC
Studio phone 303 449-3906
MySpace page http://myspace.com/lichterphoto

Custom Bike site www.lichterphoto.com
Ltd EditionPrint site www.lichtereditions.com
Searchable stock site www.lichterstock.com

Please visit www.lichterphoto.com to view 100's of images of Harley-Davidsons and the Biker Lifestyle from twenty-five years of photography.