Baywatch Vol.2

Baywatch Vol.2

More Iron in your diet? Reading Baywatch Vol.2 1 minute Next Trash scan
I love me some Triumphs! The following three are the trifecta of Trumpet chops for sale this week on the 'Bay.

First up: Item # 120367149506
This fine unit for just under 100k? Are you serious? First it's ugly as a mud fence, and second I don't think many people are ponying up 95-large for wacky bikes right now. Good luck!

Second: Item # 250364877977
Hhhmmm. Seems I traded this bike to my friend Nick a couple years back and he rebuilt it for his lovely wife. Super cool little T100, but I'm thinking that paint job is about 30 years newer than represented in the ad...

Third: Item # 160311978743
Then there is this fine roach. Someone in NY, please buy this bike, add some flake and ride it just as it sits. This was someone's dream once upon a time...