A couple of posts ago I was going on about how we should all ride motorcycles and lower our carbon footprint and have more fun at the same time, yada yada. Today, I'm at the cell-phone store getting raped and notice this mini-chopper in the parking lot. It had a license plate on it. I went about my business and then finally asked the ever-helpful rapist behind the counter if he knew the pilot of said machine. He kind of smirked and then nodded towards another employee like he had been through this conversation before. The guy he pointed out was about 5' 10" or so and a grown-ass man of about 30. I replied with something like "Wow, I thought maybe you guys had a cool midget working in the back or something, I had no idea a full-size dude would rock that thing". He said the guy was super proud of it. It's a 3/4 chopper, not a 1/2 so it can be registered for the street. Mr. 3/4 rides it about 50 miles round trip every day, most of it on the freeway and the return trip generally at night. I guess if anyone asks him about it he'll go into the whole story for about 20 minutes. Thankfully I didn't have the time for the extended version, but I did pick up that he snagged it off of Craig's List (of course) for $1500 and gets about 75mpg. Maybe he's laughing all the way to the bank, eh Mr. SuperDuty driver? I remember my dad surrendering to the gas crunch of the 70's by ditching the family wagon and getting a Chevette and turning his 3-speed Sears Special bicycle into a long-distance commuter, but man, a mini bike? A seriously hideous mini-bike? On the 15 Freeway? The world is obviously coming to an end, I just hope it's soon...