Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

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Well, the year is almost over and what a year it's been. In a struggling economy we've managed to keep things tight and make it through another one. No complaints from us, we've actually grown in 2010, though it hasn't been easy. Our goal this year was to slow down things like bringing out new products and focus on doing a better job with what we've already got. We've been tripping over ourselves in the same building we've been in for eight years plus two off site storage units, all in an effort to have stuff in stock when distributors, shops and customers want it. It wasn't perfect, but we did a better job than we had in the past and hopefully made it easier for you to get your hands on the parts when you wanted them. The biggest new thing this year was the introduction of the DOT-approved Hustler helmets, as well as a ton of fun new colors on the Novelty lids. We've just finished up some really neat new stuff as well as some parts that have been in the works forever and we should have it all in early spring just in time for some epic riding.

Over the next week or two we'll be moving into a new shop/warehouse space that should streamline things so we aren't tripping over projects to get your orders out. We'll be shipping all next week but the blog will slow down and we will probably be hard to get a hold of as we do the dirty work of building racks and getting things in place at the new location. We'll only be down the street a couple miles and once the new joint is up and running we'll have a little open house party with a little more room to spread out compared to our current set up.

We've always been kooks about planning things in advance and 2011 will be no different. While we talked a big game about slowing down, we'll probably be going to more events next year than ever before. Some big, and plenty small. The thing we are most excited about it getting back to Mexico for the El Diablo Run on Cinco de Mayo. At the other end of the event spectrum is the small, local stuff. We are looking forward to hosting some fun local rides and get-togethers with our friends and customers, the kind of thing you can do on a Saturday and have a blast without a passport or time off work. As always we'll support a ton of grass roots events all over the world because that's what we like and it's the right thing to do.

I was lucky enough to get a chance to spend a day with old timer Mike Parti earlier this year. Surrounded by priceless motorcycles and the artifacts of a life well-lived, I asked Mr. Parti what his favorite thing in his collection was. I think he was used to this question because he didn't hesitate at all and said "The friends. The friends I have collected along the way are my most valued treasures". Not to get all sappy and romantic, but it's true. Through this crazy deal we've managed to meet some truly unique individuals and it is those relationships we value most. So, to all you kooks out there that we've had the pleasure of riding with, drinking with or doing business with (or maybe all three), we hope you have a great holiday season and we look forward to another year of Riding the Wild Thunder in 2011.

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